
Potassium When drinking alcohol, not only are you losing vital fluids that keep you hydrated with frequent urination, you also lose potassium which is required for proper nerve and muscle function. The potassium in Never Too Hungover helps keep your...
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Milk Thistle Heavy drinking can wreak havoc on your liver because it’s where alcohol is metabolized. Milk Thistle Extract, a key ingredient in Never Too Hungover, is a great natural treatment that detoxifies and protects vital liver functions.
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Vitamin B Alcohol contributes to Vitamin B deficiency, which leads to low energy levels, memory loss, clouded thinking, and anemia. The B Vitamins in Never Too Hungover help prevent this deficiency and leaves you feeling great!
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Green Tea Extract Alcohol consumption results in the formation of toxic compounds. The antioxidants in Never Too Hungover from Green Tea Extract help clean up the bloodstream and cell tissue, promotion blood and oxygen flow, which further prevents a hangover....
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Aloe Vera Alcohol fills your body with dangerous toxins. The Aloe Vera in Never Too Hungover contains anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties that aid the immune system to cleanse the body of toxins and invading pathogens.
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